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Every couple of months, we'll send you a newsletter that will keep you informed of what is going on in the world of aromatherapy and wellness therapeutics. We'll make it informational and entertaining, as well as valuable, by including a few "Subscriber Only" specials!
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Subscriber Only Specials ~ New Product Notifications
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Schedules Of Upcoming Events ~ And A Whole Lot More!

Candles, Incense, Sachets, Bouquets And Other Fragrances
Children's Aromatherapy Products
Specialty Unique Gift And Novelty Ideas
Holistic Health Remedies And Wellness Therapeutics
Pet Care Aromatherapy Products For Dogs, Cats, And Other Pets
Herbal And Chai Teas And Shortbread Snacks
Scented Gifts For Valentines, Wedding Gifts And Other Romantic Occasions
New And Improved Aromatherapy Products
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Information About Energy Renaissance And Aromatherapy Products
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If you'd like to stay informed of what's going on in the world of aromatherapy and holistic health resources, we'd like to send you our newsletter containing a wealth of useful information about our store, our products, and ways that aromatherapy can help you in your efforts to feel your very best. Our newsletter is another way we can serve you in your busy lifestyle. By sending you the information on a periodic basis, you won't have to worry about forgetting the most important part of living....your health!

If you prefer to read our newsletter online, we publish them here, also. This is a handy way for us to offer you not only the most current news in aromatherapy and holistic health, but access to the archive of past issues you might have missed or just want to review. Either way, we are pleased to have this opportunity to spread the news to you in whichever fashion best suits your needs.

We look forward to serving your aromatherapy and holistic health needs, as well as offering many other quality products such as specialty gift items, teas & snacks, bath essentials, pet therapy products, wellness therapeutics, and much, much more! As always, we encourage you to stop by our store anytime during regular business hours and browse the hundreds of ways we have to make life more relaxing and enjoyable.

Please feel free to stop by our store during regular business hours to discuss your personal aromatherapy needs. If you can't visit us in person, just give us a call or drop us an e-mail with your questions or comments. And, if you do stop by to see us in person, we'll welcome you with a complimentary cup of our daily herbal tea as our way of saying "Thank You!". We are located at 29 North Main Street in the North West corner of the square in downtown Mansfield, Ohio. Our business hours are 10AM - 5PM Tuesday through Saturday.




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